• People We aim to embrace people (whether individuals or social/religious/national groups), who, in our opinion, reflect the everyday life of the 1990s in the best way. In this case we include the bohemia, moneychangers, hopnyks, artists, hippies, hooligans, students, men and women of fashion... because they are all indispensable for an adequate reproduction of the reality of the 1990s. Belonging to certain groups is rather blurred, because a student could at the same time be a fartsovshchyk and a football fan, turning into someone standing in a queue to a shop in the evenings.
  • Things Spaces related to everyday practices and consumerism. These are places where one could buy clothes, food, luxury items etc. in the 1990s. They also include those places, which are most intertwined with certain things of everyday life.
  • Phenomena With this case, we aim to cover the phenomena, which were characteristic of the 1990s, appeared or acquired special significance at that time. 
    These include the concepts that were the result of political ("the great dream", elections, the Revolution on Granite), economic (barter, deficiency, shortweighting), social (Vyvykh festival, "Terytoriya A", hippies) and everyday (communal apartments, barakholkas, queues) changes, expansion of media space (an antenna for Poland, samvydav), etc.


Here you can see an interactive map, through which the life of Lvivites, typical phenomena, processes, and changes taking place in the 1990s are shown. All objects on the map are divided into 3 types: markers, buildings, and spaces depending on their function. Based on the given filter parameter, the map offers different views on the 1990s urban space marking. The descriptive article contains information about the object’s "life" in the 1990s, people, things or phenomena associated with it. Most of the objects contain a link to the Lviv Interactive project of the Center for Urban History, where you can read more information about the place, as well as view media archive materials. You can use either filters or the list of objects to navigate or “walk” directly on the virtual map of Lviv in the 1990s.
